Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Techquilla Sho(r)ts: Talk to the hand!!!

And so the eventually inevitable but highly-improbable became possible. 

As soon as rumors about Apple working on an iWatch broke out late last year, suddenly everyone made a beeline for a moi-aussi product with the same fervour as the current ruling political party in India working on passing 'psuedo-development' bills in the Parliament each day to salvage it's insufferable pride with hopeless deceit.

Arguably, Sony SmartWatch2 was the first out of the gates (they launched a v1.0 last year which many didn't notice), but the flood gates well-and-truly opened last week when Samsung Galaxy Gear and Qualcomm Toq announced their wares.  You can catch a quick comparison here.  Oui oui, I haven't forgotten about the Pebble and Motorola's MOTOACTV which may be arguably the first-gen smart-watches. While each of these announcements is a significant step towards the rapidly-approaching 'wearable computing' era (err... that means we are way past the post-PC era, no?), the current iterations aren't anything worth writing home about.  I will save the analysis for some other day.  

Fun possibility: what if this was Apple's idea of 'buzzinga' to the world.  Till then, let's gear up (pun intended) to see people on the street talking to their / other people's hands.
If you thought Google Glass was dorky enough, imagine people talking to their wrists... Now that's SMART LOL done right  :)

Image courtesy: http://images.wikia.com/clonewarsadventurescharacter/images/7/75/Iron-man-meme.jpg 

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