Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bon jour, le monde

It's hard to put down the amount of joy and excitement that I am undergoing through while putting down these words - yes, this is my first venture at blogging outside a corporate firewall.  Though a technology professional, I always fancied myself as a 'writer'.  Deep down, I feel I articulate myself much more clearly once I start penning my thoughts on a piece of paper (or as in this case, an HTML editor).  

Unlike rest of the posts that'll follow on this blog, I have no agenda for this one.  But I will say this - the field of mobile computing has simply exploded since the past 3-4 years, and I have been one of the many fortunate people who have tracked it.  Every single day, a new technology pops up onto the scene, joining forces with countless other ones that are already there.  

Initially, I used to see each technology as a disparate event. But having witnessed these from a ring-side view, now I realize that each one of these is inter-connected with the other, thus leading to over-arching technologies that are much more complex in nature.  But what does it mean to us - how does it impact us in our daily lives.  Through Techquilla, I intend to make a genuine effort to simplify things.

One of the quandaries that I confronted while in the 'ideation' phase was the nature of content - should Techquilla be a news-oriented blog or should it be more of an editorial.  The former type usually covers daily tech news developments; the later one usually tries to analyse these developments and understand the kind of impact they have on the overall landscape.  While Techquilla's charter is to offer a simplified understanding of complex technologies, it would be a cardinal sin not to keep an eye on the daily developments.  On an average, I intend to publish 1 editorial each week.  Hence I shall experiment with a balanced version of both for some time, till I strike a fine balance between both.  Down the lane, I also would like to have a few suggestions from the readers (that's you) in case you're interested to know about a particular matter.  

So without much further ado, I declare this blog open.  Feel free to post your comments / thoughts / rants - reader comments do not have any supervision (as of now).

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Abhishek,
    After reading a few posts here, I'd like to commend you on having actually followed the charter to a T, something most writers/bloggers, including me, mess up.
    Looking forward to more posts.
